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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to Having a Healthy Exercise Plan

1. Get in shape

In addition to helping you lose weight and gain confidence, exercising has a host of other benefits for your body and mind. Having good cardiovascular health has been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s, just to name one. So hit the pool, the pavement, or the park as often as you can.[8]
Exercising boosts your immune system too; even a change as minor as walking briskly for 20-30 minutes a day, five days a week can improve your immune system by increasing both your antibody and T-killer cell response.
Exercising is also one of the absolute best ways to sleep better at night[10]—which can help you lose weight by keeping you from overeating. Read How to Get Fit for more details.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Our physical frames vary in size and weight. An individual with a large frame can carry a little more weight while a person with a light frame will be able to carry less.
Being underweight isn't a good thing either! Do not use any form of crash diets. There is no magic bullet for weight loss—and even if there were, starving your body of vital nutrients wouldn’t be it. A slow change in your eating habits is much safer and the long-term benefits for your physical health are greater.
If you don't want to go on a diet, read How to Lose Weight Just by Exercising. Just remember that only serious athletes are able to burn off enough calories to be able to enjoy massive indulgences—and even so, they tend not to because it’s hard on the body. Even if you do consume more calories than are recommended for you, be sure that they are nutritious; your heart, brain, muscles, bones, organs, and blood can’t run forever on empty calories.

3. Cross train

Just because you can run 5 miles (8.0 km) without stopping doesn't mean you're healthy—same goes for lifting weights the size of a small car. If you only do one activity, you're only using one set of muscles.[11] You'll be shocked when you go swimming or do core workouts that you can't keep up!
What's the answer? Cross training. Not only does doing several different activities work all your muscles (which can help prevent injury), it also keeps you from getting bored. That's the ultimate exercise killer! So include aerobic and strength training workouts to your routine. Your muscles will be glad you did.

4. Exercise wisely

It should go without saying that there are bad ways to work out. Every time you get moving you put yourself at risk for injury, so make sure you're doing it right!
First things first, stay hydrated. You should always be sipping water during your workouts. Getting dehydrated can lead to dizziness or headaches during your sweat session (or lack thereof).[12]
Take breaks! It isn't being lazy, it's being healthy. You can't go-go-go forever. After 30 minutes or so of exercise, grab your water bottle and lighten up. Your body needs a second to catch up. You'll be able to go further in the long run.

5. Take the little opportunities

Being physically active isn't about pounding the pavement or joining a gym—it's a lifestyle that can be had 24/7. [13] If you can add extra 10 steps to your day here and there, they add up.
Don't have any ideas? Park a bit farther away from work, the mall entrance, or the grocery store. Ride a bike to work or school. Take the stairs. Walk the dog every day. Take lunch to the park. Bike to work or the local coffee shop. Little opportunities are everywhere.

How to Be Healthy

Many people with serious illnesses would give anything for a single day of perfect health. After all, it's only when you lose your health that you realize what you once had. To be healthy and make the most of what you've got, follow these recommendations.

Having a Healthy Diet

1. Drink more water

Adult humans should drink 2-3 liters (or roughly eight 8oz glasses) of water per day.[1] That is in addition to things like tea and coffee. Water keeps bodies at the correct temperature and removes toxins that are the inevitable result of metabolism and industrial life. You'll be healthier automatically.
Water also clears your skin, helps your kidneys, helps to control your appetite, and keeps you energized.[2] If being healthier, more wakeful, and having better skin isn't motivation, what is?
It also keeps you from drinking unhealthy beverages like soda and juice, which are high in calories. The body barely registers the intake of these unhealthy drinks and yet you still feel thirsty hundreds of calories later. If you need the taste, splash some lemon, lime, or 100% juice into your water. However, be sure that you eat plenty of calcium-rich foods, such as broccoli, to support healthy bones as you grow older.

2. Eat breakfast

A light, healthy breakfast is sufficient enough to reap the benefits of eating early. If it's comprised of lean protein and whole grains, then it will keep you from gorging at lunch. Research shows that breakfast-skippers actually eat more! So, to curb your appetite, don't skip the first meal of the day.
Instead of two chocolate doughnuts and a coffee that's more cream than anything else, opt for eggs, fruit, and for a beverage, skimmed milk, fresh orange juice, or tea. The healthier your breakfast is, the more energized you'll feel throughout the day and the more you won't need to eat later in the day.

3. Eat well throughout the day

If half of your plate is vegetables and fruit, you're on the right track.[4] Add in lean protein, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Once a steady eating pattern has been established, your body will feel more comfortable. There may be a period of time when your body is wondering where the sugary foods went, but once you're over the hump, you'll feel better than ever.
Remember that not all fats are bad for you. Good fats can be found in oily fish like salmon and tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These are essential to a well-balanced diet. Read How to Eat Healthy for more tips.

4. Eat at the right times

A good time for a healthy, easy-to-digest evening meal is between 17:00 and 20:00; it's best to avoid late night snacks because they fill you with unnecessary calories and can disrupt your sleep. If you do need that midnight snack, stick to unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies.
Snacking isn't bad for you if you do it right. In fact, eating "constantly" can keep you from feeling deprived and going for that third piece of cheesecake when the cart rolls around. Just make sure it's all in moderation.

5. Consider going meatless

In case you haven't noticed, meat hasn't played much of a role in what we've talked about so far. Being vegetarian is a good way to reduce your calorie intake and get loads of vitamins and minerals, but that being said, it can be done wrong. While it's not the best idea to go fully vegetarian, most people do eat far too much meat. A good idea is to change the amount and types of meat you eat: swap pork chops for lean chicken; steak for tuna.
A high-fiber diet is easily had without meat. Fiber has been shown to lower your cholesterol, control your blood-sugar levels, improve your bowel health, and make you less likely to overeat. The recommended fiber intake is 30g a day for men and 21g for women; after the age of 50, this jumps up to 38g for men and 25g for women. Some good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables (with the skin), whole grains, and legumes.

6. Read the labels

Processed foods get a bad rap, and often for good reason. However, you've got to choose your battles. That frozen bag of broccoli isn't nearly as bad as that boxed mac and cheese. In short, avoid processed foods when you can — but if you can't, read the labels and watch for added bad stuff: salt, sugar, and fat.
Food that stays on the shelves often has added sodium, words that end in -ose, and trans and saturated fats in the ingredient list. If you see these on the label (especially if they're in high amounts), avoid them. You can find a healthier alternative elsewhere. It's not worth it.
Just because it says it has no trans fat doesn't actually mean it has no trans fat. Negligible amounts can be legally ignored — so if you see hydrogenated vegetable oil on the list, you've found one of the masked culprits.

How to Set up a Computer Network

In the recent times, technological advancements such as self-configuring switches and a new breed of operating systems have made it a whole lot easier for one to go ahead and set a small home or office network. But then such facets alone won’t do it. At the end of the day, the size and scope of the network to be built is also dependent on factors such as environment and budget. So, all said and done one needs to be extremely careful of the expected outcome before going ahead and laying down the foundation for a computer network.

I. Essential steps to set up a Wired Network

1. Determine the Size of Network

One should acquire the necessary equipment only after giving due consideration to the available infrastructure. For those choosing to install a wired network larger than 15 to 20 devices, the requirement demands the hiring of a consultant for all wiring and installation based issues. However, in the case of installation of a wireless network, the need would be to have one or more wireless access points. But then again be it either type of infrastructure, the requirement would be to possess round-the-clock Internet connectivity through the chosen Internet Service Provider.

2. Select the Network

The need in this case is to identify the IP addressing scheme and then progressively assign IP addresses to servers on the network. Servers with static IP addresses are easy to find on the network using DNS services. Please pay attention private networks typically use a "192.168.0.n" range, wherein "n" is considered as the host address for each individual device. Once done, assign a subnet mask of "" for this range. Please note Windows Vista and Windows 7 provide automatic IP addressing scheme for each device automatically, all based on the fact what the OS determines via the prevailing network discovery processes.

3. Selection of the Workgroup :

Select a workgroup name and assign it to each computer on the network. For doing so:
- Click Start
- Right-click ‘Computer’ and click ‘Properties’
- Click the ‘Change Settings’ button and change the workgroup name.
- Once done, you can leave the default workgroup name, which would be ‘MSHOME’ on Windows Vista and Windows 7, but then in case if you have Windows XP or an older OS on your PC, the default should be changed to ‘WORKGROUP’ or ‘MSHOME’.

4. Verify the Connectivity:

For verifying the network connectivity:
- Click Start
- Computer and expand the Network link to see other available devices on the network. If you can see all the other attached computers and printers, you are done.
- If otherwise, check the network interface configuration, make all necessary corrections and retest.

II. Essential Steps to setup a Wireless network

1. Name the Network

- Assign a broadcast SSID, or network name, to your wireless router
- Scan for available networks.
- Choose a name which is obscure and not associated with your home or business. Please take note the specific instructions for this step and the next one differ according to the specific wireless router being used.

2. Choose the Encryption Type

- Assign an encryption type to your network
- Choose WPA2-Enterprise or WPA2-Personal for the highest security available
- In the next step; assign a passphrase of at least eight alphanumeric characters for the encryption algorithm.
- For doing so, please note the router would need to be restarted to make any configuration changes effective.

3. Verifying the Network Connectivity

To verify connectivity of your wireless network:
- Click Start
- Computer and expand the ‘Network’ link to see other devices located the network.
- In case, if other attached devices such as computers and printers are found, you are finished.
- If you cannot see other computers, check the network interface configuration, make the necessary corrections and retest.

How to Set up a Network Drive

Are you finding yourself surrounded by technology? Smartphones, laptops, desktops, Home theater, each with their own multiple gigabytes of data. Wouldn't it be convenient if you could share data among all these devices without having to have everything stored on one desktop.
Do you have many users at your work place or business that need to access the same data?

With the use of a network drive you can accomplish all of these things, keeping all your shared data in one convenient place.

1. Connect the drive to your router

Using an Ethernet or USB cable connect your new network drive to your router.

2. Connect the power cable to your new drive and plug it in

Press the power button on the network drive. You should now be able to access your network drive from any computer connected to the network.

3. Make sure that your drive is formatted

Some drives are pre-formatted and ready to use out of the package. If not, just follow the windows instructions for formatting your new drive.

4. Map your network drive

In Windows 7, right click on the start button and choose "Open Windows Explorer". From the Directory tree on the left, click on "Network". From the context menu, choose "Map Network Drive".

5. Choose your device settings

From the "Map Network Drive" window you can choose a drive letter for your drive. Make sure there is a check in the "Reconnect at Log-on" checkbox to automatically detect your new network drive at start up.

6. Enable "Network discovery and file sharing"

From Windows Explorer left click on "Network", a bar should pop up informing you that "Network discovery and file sharing are turned off". Click on this bar to enable network discovery and file sharing.

7. If you have disc management software that came with your network drive, now is the time to install it if you so choose.


How Using the Internet to Network

1. Pursue online interests and activities that mean a lot to you

Who says that you can't network while playing chess against a worthy opponent in Russia? Or network while on your favorite medical community researching your husband's autoimmune disorder? The internet has networking with groups of like-minded people a whole lot easier. Check forums, listings, classifieds, and internet mailing lists (known as "listservs") for local events or meetings that are likely to attract people with similar interests or passions.

2. Research people you admire or those who hold interesting positions

The internet has also made researching prominent (or not-so-prominent) people a lot easier than it used to used. Now, you can gather information about people with a simple Google search, or you can connect with them on one of the many social networks that people spend increasing time on. Research these people for two reasons:
- It helps to be knowledgeable about different career arcs and career opportunities. Researching other peoples' careers teaches you that there are an almost infinite numbers of ways that you can get into advertising, for example, or become a merchant.
- You're familiarizing yourself with their personal history. This information will come in handy when you reach out to them; it shows you've done your homework.

3. Ask several people for an informational interview

An informational interview is an informal meeting you have with another professional in which you ask them questions about their careers and pick their brains. An informational interview can be coffee after work or a Skype interview in the middle of the workday. Whatever it ends up being, it's usually short — 30 minutes or less — and you should offer to pick up the bill if you grabbed coffee or lunch.
- Informational interviews are a great way to both learn about the other person and develop your critical questioning and listening skills. You never know; you might impress the person so much during the informational interview that they decide to offer you a job if they have the authority. Some feel it's a lot less of a crapshoot than playing the resume game.
- When you're done with your informational interview, express your gratitude and ask your contact for three other people who you might talk to as part of your continuing outreach. Reach out to those people and refer back to the original contact if needed.

4. Tap your network periodically

The next time you need something (a job, a date, a hiking partner) cast a wide net and see what happens. Make a few phone calls or send out an e-mail describing your situation in a friendly tone: "Hey, I'm in a bit of a pinch. I have these concert tickets for Saturday and I haven't been able to find someone to go with me. Since this is a band I love, I'd like to go with someone I know I'll have fun with. Do you know of anyone who might enjoy it with me?"
- Don't ever apologize when asking for a favor or help. It can signal a lack of confidence and professionalism.[7] There's nothing to be sorry about--you're just seeing if anyone happens to be in a position to help you; you're not making demands, or forcing people to do anything that they don't want to do.

5. Never keep your networking efforts isolated to the internet

You can establish great connections online, but the most successful networkers are those who take those online connections and translate them into intimate face-to-face relationships. Going out for lunch, coffee, or drinks is a great way to begin to establish a face-to-face relationship with people. Remember that you can also invite people to do things related to your interests. If you met someone at a caving club, why don't you ask them to check out a new cave with you? The objective here is to establish a connection beyond your initial online meeting. Preferably, this should be one-on-one.

How to Make Sex Last Longer

Whether you regularly experience premature ejaculation, a common sexual problem for men, or simply want to find ways to make sex last longer, there are plenty of things you can do both during and before sex to prevent yourself from getting too excited too quickly. Read this article to learn how.

We have 2part for make Sex Last Longer

Part1 : Before Sex

1. Relax and be positive

Premature ejaculation is as much a physical issue as a mental one. Try not to create a self-fulfilling prophecy by labeling yourself as sexually incompetent in any way. Approaching sex with confidence, self respect, and a positive attitude rather than fear and self-doubt can make all the difference for both you and your partner.

2. "Practice" with yourself

Masturbation is perfectly healthy and natural, and doing it regularly can help you build up your stamina, prevent premature ejaculation,[1] and even relieve stress and anxiety. Plus, the more time you spend with yourself, the more familiar you will become with your body so that you can more easily recognize when you get too excited. That way, during sex, you can know when to slow down or change positions before it's too late.

3. Find a regular sexual partner if possible

Men tend to get particularly worked up during their first time with a new woman, especially if this woman is somebody he has been lusting after for a long time. Realize that sometimes it really isn't you, but rather, how attracted to and excited you are about being in bed with her. And that's perfectly ok.
Being in a monogamous relationship is a great way to improve your performance in bed, and the more time you spend with one person, the more comfortable and confident you will feel during sex.

4. Wear a condom

Lots of men complain that condoms decrease pleasure and sensitivity during sex, but if you're trying to last longer in bed, that might be just what you need. And, of course, there's the added bonus of preventing against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Cut down on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

Using these substances in excess may interfere with your ability to control ejaculation.

6. Use a topical medication

. Desensitizing sprays and creams have been used for years to help men last longer but the side effects of sensation loss and partner transference have prevented them from widespread use. There is a new class of topical sprays with absorption technology that enables a mild anesthetic to penetrate the outer layer of penile skin to the nerves below that control ejaculation, providing superior control and good sensation for the man and generally unnoticeable transfer to the woman. There are several products available in the U.S. at the moment.
These are not available in all pharmacies. Search online for "penis spray" to find places to order online.

Part2 : During Sex

1. Don't skip foreplay

Studies have shown that couples that indulge in foreplay report having sex for longer than those who don't.[3] Instead of getting right down to business, take some time to cuddle, kiss, touch one another, and so on. The more time you spend on foreplay, the longer you'll be in bed together.
If you get too excited during foreplay, stop her from doing whatever she's doing and focus all of your attention on her instead.

2. Change positions often

This can shift your attention. Plus, exploring different sexual positions can make sex more exciting and ensure that both partners are satisfied.
Also, don't be afraid to stop having sex temporarily to focus on her.

3. Try to distract yourself

If you find yourself getting too excited during sex, try to distract yourself from how turned on you are by thinking about something completely unrelated to the situation, like work or school. Temporarily diverting your attention can help you relax and slow down.
Whatever you think of, make sure that it's something that doesn't turn you on sexually in any way.

4. Take slow, deep breaths

Many men find that breathing slowly and deeply during sex can help them last longer. This can be attributed to the fact that breathing helps us relax. Try to breathe deep into your belly. Feel it expanding as you inhale. It may also help to hold your breath for two or three seconds before exhaling, slowly. This holding can have a calming, centering effect.

5. Let her be in control

The person who is in control is usually the one experiencing most of the pleasure; letting her be in control can help decrease some of the sensitivity you feel.


Monday, February 8, 2016

New Year transformation: The Matt Roberts T12 programme

A transformation programme designed by the team at Matt Roberts Personal Training, T12 an online distance coaching programme designed for anybody looking to make drastic changes to their appearance in just 12 weeks.

With Matt Roberts entering its 20th year in the fitness industry, they know better than anybody that transforming your physique takes appreciation for individuality, adherence towards your goal, a scientific understanding of the human body and, most importantly, desire!

‘We designed this programme to be the ultimate expereince within body transformation. Even though the programme is a distance learning package, we wanted to make sure that the end user felt as looked after as if they came to one of our clubs. That is why the daily tracking and bespoke programme are so important. The T12 team have been handpicked to run his programme – the personal touch, guidance and genuine care for our clients is what makes us different and what makes this package unique.’ Matt Roberts

The T12 transformation coaches, Ben Feinson and Luke Weal, are experienced competitors in fitness physique competitions as well as having years of experience of training category winners and competitors. Ben and Luke combine passion and a hands-on relationship with their clients to ensure they get the best results.
Vision, Science, Application’
‘For anyone looking to transform their body, the T12 online coaching package will take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. We will support you throughout and do everything in our power to get you the results you desire!’ Ben Feinson and Luke Weal

‘Accountability, Belief, Consistency ’
Transforming your body is a journey. Regardless of whether your goal is to be ready to step onto the stage and compete, or whether it is to look your best on the beach, the process is not easy. You have to be committed. You have to be focused. You have to be dedicated from start to finish.

‘A Structured Approach’
As with all of the services at Matt Roberts, T12 is no different; this is about you and you alone! Whatever your goal, your location, your food preferences or your exercise ability, T12 will be on-hand 24/7 to guide you through the four phases of your transformation package. All client progress will be tracked and amended accordingly, and your coaches will be there to support you every step of the way. By including a carefully selected supplement bundle, alongside a T12 recipe guide, it’s Ben and Luke’s primary goal to educate you on nutritional strategy and flexible dieting.